Why grow your vegetables, fruits and herbs ?
Living in Hawaii, we like to utilize the abundance of local food and we always choose the best and freshest seasonal products available on the market.
We grow many fruits and vegetables in our Hawaiian garden: eggplants, cherry tomatoes, lemons, tangerines, papayas, bananas, sage, rosemary, green onions, peppercorn, chili peppers ….
Growing your fruits and vegetables has many benefits for you and your family:
- Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several thousands miles to get to your grocery store.
- Having your children assist you in the garden can increase the chance that they will eat more of the fruits and vegetables they have helped to grow.
- will promote health because they are rich in nutrients, especially in phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. Gardening gives you’re a real sense of appreciation when you can see the bounty of your efforts.